Friday, February 20, 2015

Philosophy of Life, Calvin and Hobbes Style

Going through old files, I found my cache of cartoons which had many nice surprises.  None better than these, however, in which Calvin and Hobbes sum up their philosophies and largely agree on the big picture:

On edit:  I have removed my scans of the original newspaper clippings, as I believe they violate copyright and I'd hate as a new blogger to do that!

Summarizing (which is way not as good as the original):

#1 Calvin lists all the ways that nature is indifferent to humans and how that is insulting to humans, while Hobbes ignores him.  Calvin notes that this is perhaps why "some people don't like cats."

#2  Calvin lists all the things that have happened to him that day including being covered with bug bites, hot, sweaty etc.  Hobbes says that the day may be considered seized.  Calvin (from the bathtub) says that "Tomorrow, we'll seize the day and throttle it!"

#3  Calvin notes that superheros never go after subtle, realistic bad guys.  Hobbes says that they could go to Council meetings and write letters to the editor.  Calvin:  "Hmmm....I think I see the problem."
Hobbes:  "Quick! To the Bat-Fax!"

So so good!  Calvin and Hobbes SO missed!!!!!

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