Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Finished Project

I recently retired from 12 years of public service as a local elected official.  One of the first things I wanted to get done was to organize all the things I had brought home and saved over the years:  press clippings, press releases, cards, documents, some pictures.  (My usual practice would have been to throw them in several unorganized piles to save for "later.").  And I did it!  Of course, the original plan was for a month of work, and it actually took 5 but its done!

Two overstuffed volumes--if I do find more pictures, its going to morph into three!  Looseleaf format, including both 12 x 12, 8.5 x 11 and a bunch of sizes in between.  Happy and sad, funny and tragic, a nice collection.  And I am ready to put that chapter behind me and move on!

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