Sunday, May 24, 2015


I have been a Unitarian Universalist for 25 years.   I would have been one earlier, but I didn't know about them yet!  The UUA principals have always guided my public service, both as a volunteer and as a career.  My local  congregation has always been very supportive of me, and very helpful with my various campaigns.  Some of my favorite local politicians are also UUs.

However, my political life and my UU life were largely separate--until today when I learned that the UU's theological seminary, Meadville Lombard, has awarded an honorary doctorate to my favorite politician anywhere-- Toni Preckwinkle President of the Cook County Board.  Here's what they had to say about her:   

On May 17th at First Unitarian Church of Chicago, Tony Preckwinkle will receive an Honorary Degree for the Doctorate of Humane Letters from Meadville Lombard Theological School. By bestowing this award, this Seminary wants to recognize Toni Preckwinkle's dedication to serve the community of Chicago and lead innovatively through the changing times.

By recognizing social leaders such as Toni Preckwinkle, Meadville Lombard highlights the contribution of a leader who takes the Unitarian Universalist values of justice, equity, and compassion to the Chicago community. According to Lee Barker, President of Meadville Lombard Theological School, "As a civic and community leader, President Preckwinkle has sought to make the world a more just and equitable place. Her service has been the very embodiment of Meadville Lombard's values."

Toni Preckwinkle says "the Unitarian Universalist faith community has a strong emphasis on social justice and advocacy for humanitarian causes, a tradition in which I feel very comfortable." Talking about the award, she added, "I'm honored to be selected for an honorary degree at the Meadville Lombard Theological Seminary's 170th commencement. I greatly respect the long history of this institution and wholeheartedly support its historic mission and current day application of its good works."

My connection to Toni --in additional to my total admiration of her--is that she made the big trip down here to present me with an award for integrity in public service last August.  So this is wonderful convergence of my political and Unitarian lives.  Of course, they were always my life, but so nice to see this bigger connection.   Congratulations to Toni and congratulations to the Meadville Lombard for deciding to bestow this honor!


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