Monday, March 30, 2015

New Keytamers

A couple of years ago, I solved the never being able to find my keys problem (at least partially) by sewing a little fabric collage piece to attach to my keys.  It was also a nice way to have color and design with me all the time!  Clearly, I have worn it out:

This was a single little fabric collage, with backing in a pillowcase.  Worn to bits --loved the colors and the composition. 

This time, I took a larger piece of fabric collage which has both machine and hand stiching, and covered it with tulle to keep all the bits together.  I cut three rectangles (finished size ~7.5"x ~2.5"), again attached via bright pink pillowcase backing and voila!

Now I am ready for Spring!  Hope that you are having at least some signs of spring!

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