Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Scrap Bag #8

As part of my spring decluttering, I am rotating what is on display in my house.  This is as good a time as any to show this square collage quilt, done in 2011.  Here is the full view:

And here is a detail

The piece is in two parts:  the inner collage quilt is 12" square, made from scraps, finished with a facing.  It includes free machine quilting.  It hangs in front of a larger piece that is 22 3/4" x 25" which includes both hand and machine quilting. 

This was part of a series made from scraps that involved lots of different experiments in hand sewing and how to hang these small pieces.  I think that this is the most successful one on both counts, and am enjoying having it up.  Maybe this will inspire me to resume some of these ideas.  (I sort of stopped doing fiber things as I've gotten deeper and deeper into paint/collage in my work with Jane Davies.)

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